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Lunar Melodies

Musicians of Guild Wars 2

Welcome~!  Lunar Melodies [Song] is a place to gather, share, and inspire. We are a small community of dedicated musicians who have come together to share our passion in Guild Wars 2. If you care as much as we do and want to show your support, come and join us!

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    A Bit About Us

Lunar Melodies consists of a small close knit group of musicians that form together to create a band within Guild Wars 2. Our goal is to create music and have fun while inspiring players to get involved within the music community. Our members use Guild Wars 2 as our main platform to transpose music into the game.

We play manually after long hours of training and, we proudly are a band that do not use macros, however, we do not discourage other players from using them. Music should be shared and enjoyed by all!

If you would like to learn to play yourself we've completed an easy to follow guide that will take you from not knowing anything about music to tabbing your own songs into GW2! If you would like to learn more about the instruments check out our google docs training guide!! (check the link below). 



Find us on Instagram: @lunarmelodies.gw2

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